Countdown to the Games
17-25 June 2023

Let's jump into the new year together full of anticipation

The image is a mix of a photo of a high jumper in action and colorful graphic elements. The elements are part of the World Games logo and are playfully placed on the image, making it look colorful and cheerful.
Foto Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 / Jörg Brüggemann

What a year! Let us enjoy the highlights of 2022 once again and then start the new calendar year together full of anticipation for the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023. Thank you for joining us on this journey and see you in Berlin!

In 2022, we have experienced so much together that it is difficult to pick out individual highlights. We have tried nevertheless. Sit back and enjoy the best moments:

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Thank you for an amazing 2022!

Thank you for unforgettable Special Olympics National Games Berlin 2022, thank you for your great sporting ambitions, thank you for all the joy and dancing together.

The memories will stay in our heads for a long time and rightly so. But we can hardly wait to top it all in 2023. Who feels the same way?

We are for sure looking forward to seeing you soon!

Your #Berlin2023 Team


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