A logo that breaks down walls
The logo is as important for an event as the face is for a person. It allows us to draw conclusions about the personality of our counterpart. Our logo is as diverse as we are. It shows what we stand for - as a unique sports event in Berlin 2023 and as a global inclusion movement.
We are joyful, colorful, vibrant and unifying. We show it to the world: A logo that breaks down walls.

The story behind the logo
1. Emotions of the athletes
The Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 are games by athletes for athletes. That's why they were involved in the development of our logo right from the start. In many hours of digital workshops, Special Olympics athletes from all over the world contributed their ideas and feelings and helped develop the color and symbol world of the logo.
What do they feel when it comes to the event? What do they associate these feelings with? Many mention here: Joy, togetherness, pride and excitement. They also explain which colors they associate these feelings with. This input is the most important basis for the creation of the logo.

2. What if walls could fly?
No other city in the world has experienced what Berlin experienced: the division and construction of the Wall, then later the fall of the Wall and the growing together of East and West Berlin. The experience of being able to overcome borders has unleashed an incredible amount of creativity and continues to do so today.
For us, walls do not (any longer) stand for borders, but for tearing them down. Berlin shares this experience with Special Olympics! Part of our logo are therefore "flying stones".
3. Host city Berlin
Berlin is the city of unlimited possibilities. Berlin is colorful, creative and cool. The German capital impresses with its extraordinary variety of sights, rich cultural life and lifestyle.
The history of an entire nation is told by the Berlin landmarks Brandenburg Gate and TV Tower. The Berlin bear, in turn, has been the heraldic animal of Berlin and the city's emblem since about 1280. The symbols of Berlin's landmarks also set important accents in our logo.
Our claim: #UnbeatableTogether
The claim of the games was also developed together with our athletes.
Togetherness and overcoming borders collectively are main elements of our logo. They play an equally important role in our claim.
Together we can make a difference, together we are strong:
We are #UnbeatableTogether

More information on the official reveal of logo and claim can be found here:
The complete reveal show with many exciting features can be viewed on Sportdeutschland.TV - currently available in German only: