
Know your facts:
- Rhythmic gymnastics has been a sport at Special Olympics World Games since 1991
- Unified Sports? No
- Estimated number of athletes participating: 129
Rhythmic gymnasts may compete in individual or group events (4-6 gymnasts). The hand apparatuses used are: rope, hoop, ball, clubs, and ribbon. There is also a group exercise routine, which is performed without an apparatus.
Special Olympics feature:
In the rules of Federation Internationale de Gymnastique, only females are allowed to compete in rhythmic gymnastics. At Special Olympics, males can compete in the lower levels, too. Special Olympics also offers a level of competition for athletes who perform seated.
We have eight disciplines:
- Individual event: rope
- Individual event: hoop
- Individual event: ball
- Individual event: ribbon
- Individual event: clubs
- All around event with different combinations
- Group event: without apparatus
- Group event: hoop
The events are split into levels 1 to 4 (level 4 being the most advanced level).
By the way:
Hand-eye coordination, dexterity, flexibility, and power are the most important physical abilities that rhythmic gymnasts need to have.
Messe Berlin
Rhythmic gymnastics take place on the grounds of Messe Berlin in the CityCube Level B.