Beach Volleyball

Know your facts:
- Beach Volleyball has been a sport at Special Olympics World Games since 2015 (demonstration in 2011)
- Unified Sports? Yes
- Estimated number of athletes participating: 45 athletes + 45 Unified partners
A playing field made of sand: this is the special feature of beach volleyball. The beach volleyball players hit the ball with their hands over the net and try to protect their own court.
Special Olympics feature:
In contrast to the rules of the Fédération Internationale de Volleyball, in our beach volleyball four play on a team instead of two — with two athletes and two Unified partners each.
We have two competitions in one discipline:
- Unified Sports Team Competition - Women
- Unified Sports Team Competition - Men/Mixed.
By the way:
Many people believe beach volleyball originated in California. However, the first known beach volleyball court was established in Hawaii in 1915.