Our Special Olympics swimmers experienced something special: they competed in a joint relay with the stars of the scene at the FINA World Cup in Berlin – an important sign for inclusion and equality.
The good-humored group of Special Olympics athletes arrived early at the SSE (swimming and diving hall in the Europasportpark), where the swimming competitions will also take place next year at the Special Olympics World Games.
So there was still enough time to get a taste of the World Cup and warm up next to the professionals before the relay teams started.
Some nerves where showing, but everyone mastered their course well and visibly enjoyed the minutes in the spotlight. This was also helped by the Berlin audience, which loudly supported all the swimmers.
Also joining the fun: Sarah and Florian Wellbrock. As soon as they climbed out of the pool, you could see the sheer joy of their participation. Cheers, high fives, hugs: Athletes among themselves, hugging and joking.
Still in their swimwear, Sarah and Florian Wellbrock then talked about their first experiences with Special Olympics and what they can learn from the athletes.
Sports and swimming bring people together – that's what the experience with Special Olympics showed once more.
"I'm always totally good at letting go in these encounters. Actually, I'm rather, let's say, stuffy, and I try to meet the expectations of my counterpart perfectly. With the Special Olympics athletes, I can let go of that.
It doesn't matter at all if I'm not perfect. I'm accepted just the way I am, no matter what quirks and flaws I bring with me. That's totally valuable," Florian Wellbrock describes his experience.
Sarah Wellbrock adds, "Sports and swimming bring people together – that's what the experience with Special Olympics showed once more."

The teams in the order in which they swam:
Team 1
Matthew Sates
Sarah Wellbrock
Dirk Barteld
Anne Richter
Team 2
Florian Wellbrock
Hali Flickinger
Claudia Gobels
Kai-Jürgen Ponisch
Team 3
Thomas Ceccon
Isabel Gose
Dominic Klug
Claudia Wolfsteller
Team 4
Lukas Märtens
Anastasia Gorbenko
Lukas Dietrich
Doreen Glaubitz
Now it only remains to say: Thank you to all involved for this great evening!