Countdown to the Games
17-25 June 2023

Dirk Nowitzki visits the Special Olympics World Games

Dirk Nowitzki stands in a huddle with the players of the German basketball team. They all have their hands in the middle of the circle.
Special Olympics World Games 2023 Berlin 17.06.2023 Pressekonferenz Dirk Nowitzki trifft SWOG Basketball Training des deutschen Teams Foto: Tilo Wiedensohler/camera4
Tilo Wiedensohler/Tilo Wiedensohler/camera4

None other than basketball superstar Dirk Nowitzki experienced a unique day with our athletes today: First at the press conference, then at the training of the German 3x3 team and finally at the grand Opening Ceremony.

With great anticipation, superstar Dirk Nowitzki awaits the opening of the Special Olympics World Games 2023 in Berlin and won't miss the opportunity to spend today with our athletes.

"The Special Olympics is not just about winning or losing, it's about athletes coming together and having the chance to play sports and learn from sports, just like I did," Nowitzki said.

In good spirits and always with a smile on his face, he answered questions from Louis Kleemeyer, a Special Olympics tennis player and member of the organizing committee, at a press conference.

There was also a surprise guest at the press conference: Olympic fencing champion and also Friend of the Games Britta Heidemann joined the group and warmly welcomed her old acquaintance Dirk Nowitzki. In addition to friendly words, anecdotes from the 2008 Olympic Games were exchanged.

Basketball player Dirk Nowitzki plays one-on-one with a team member of the German basketball team of the Special Olympics Berlin.
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The mascot Unity poses with fencer Britta Heidemann, speaker Louis Kleemeyer, basketball player Dirk Nowitzki and managing director Sven Albrecht in front of the sponsor wall.
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A group picture of the German basketball team cheering with Dirk Nowitzki on the basketball court.
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Dirk Nowitzki signing the jersey of a player of the German basketball team.
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At a press conference, basketball player Dirk Nowitzki high-fives a volunteer who asks him a question.
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Basketball player Dirk Nowitzki visits the 3x3 basketball training of the German team.
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The next stop for the most famous German basketball player was the visit of the final training of the German 3x3 national basketball team. He did not miss the opportunity to join the training and wish everyone luck for the upcoming competitions.

"This is my first time at the Special Olympics World Games. Maybe I can give the athletes another push and some extra motivation," Nowitzki said. "Sport brings us all together. That's what the Special Olympics is all about here. I hope we will all have a great celebration together."

The visit of the native of Würzburg is rounded off by the goosebumps moment of the day: the Opening Ceremony in the Olympiastadion Berlin. Nowitzki will go backstage where the excited athletes are gathered before they start the parade of delegations and will also make an appearance on stage during the official part.

A unique and unforgettable experience for all – not least for Dirk Nowitzki himself.


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