Countdown to the Games
17-25 June 2023

About Us

About Special Olympics

Special Olympics is a global inclusion movement. It supports people with intellectual disabilities not only through sports, but also through health, education and skills programs, on their way to greater recognition and empowerment.

About Berlin 2023

Every two years, people of different nations, cultures, political opinions and religions come together for the Special Olympics World Games, the world's largest inclusive sports event, which is held alternately as Summer and Winter Games.

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Stay up to date with the latest information about Berlin 2023!

Berlin 2023 team says thank you and see you soon!

An unforgettable journey lies behind us. Together we have taken the Special Olympics movement another step forward, given Germany and Berlin an important push for more inclusion and created moments for eternity. And for that, we want to thank you one last time.

Successful Games and responsibility for everyday life

With a brilliant fireworks display in the Berlin summer sky and the extinguishing of the flame, the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 came to a glorious close last Sunday. It was the end of the Games, but by no means the finale in terms of what needs to be done for inclusion.

Extraordinary commitment – our volunteers at the Games

Our volunteers in their distinctive purple shirts were everywhere. Without them, the Special Olympics World Games would not have been such a great success for everyone. Therefore, they deserve a huge thank you!

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